Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Proverbs 3:5 (New International Version)

5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;

I have a tendency to disregard this verse on a regular basis. I trust in my own understanding. I lean hard into what I know or can figure out by myself. I rest on my own knowledge until I fall flat on my face before my Lord. My understanding is very finite but God's understanding is limited by NOTHING. Better to trust in the Lord than in a fallable being. Lord, teach me to trust you with ALL my heart and lean solely into You!

for His glory!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

God's Word

I love how God's Word holds a special word for each person. His words are alive and you can sense that when you read them. I read this tonight and was overjoyed by what God said to me:

Psalm 118:28-29
You are my God, and I will give you thanks;
you are my God, and I will exalt you.
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
his love endures forever.

He is MY God. I can have a personal relationship with the God of the universe! How cool is that! I can praise Him and lift up His name because He is good and He loves me. He doesn't love me because I can bake cookies or because I homeschool my kids or because I drive a minivan but because HE is good and HIS love endures forever.
What verse or verses have you read lately where God has spoken to you?

Thank you, Lord for making the Bible to speak to your people.

For His glory!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Songs for life

When I was a kid my Dad told me to listen to the words of the songs to which I was listening. I have since added an additional step to his advice. I try to find out the inspiration behind the song. Today on KLove I heard why Chris August wrote "Starry Night". He had slowly drifted away from God. He realized that he wasn't praying anymore or reading his Bible. He rededicated his life to God and wrote a song to celebrate this decision. I pray these words touch your heart and make you appreciate our Amazing Savior.

Starry Night

From the Birds that Sing, In the Tallest Trees.
To the Human Life, of you and me.
From the Desert Sands, to the place we stand.
He is God of All, He is Everything.


I'm giving my life to the only one who makes the Moon reflect the sun.
Every Starry Night, that was His design.
I'm giving my life to the only son, who was and is and yet to come
Let the praises ring, 'cause he is everything
'Cause he is everything

From the Autumn Leaves, that will ride the breeze
To the Faith it takes, to pray and sing
From the Painted sky, to my plank filled eye
He is God of all, He is everything


I'm giving my life to the only one who makes the Moon reflect the sun.
Every Starry Night, that was His design.
I'm giving my life to the only son, who was and is and yet to come
Let the praises ring, 'cause he is everything.

Ohhhhhhh (everything)

Hallelujah (Hallelujah)
I believe
Hallelujah (Hallelujah)
I believe

I'm giving my life to the only one who makes the Moon reflect the sun
On that Starry Night, He changed my life.
I'm giving it all to the only son who gave me hope when I had none.
So let the praises ring,
Ohhhh Let the Praises Ring

I'm giving my life to the only one who makes the Moon reflect the sun.
Every Starry Night, that was His design.
I'm giving my life to the only son, who was and is and yet to come
Let the Angels sing, that he is Heavenly

So let the Praises ring
'Cause he everything

Friday, August 20, 2010

This is the day!

Do any of you remember the song that quoted Psalm 118:24? It is completely embedded in my brain this morning. These are the words to the song:
This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.
This song takes on a personal meaning for me this morning. You see, I went to the beach a couple days ago and now I ITCH all over! These bug bites are trying to drive me crazy. But as the song plays over and over in my mind it helps me remember that God is bigger than my annoying bug bites and I can still rejoice for all my other blessings He has given me.

No matter what our days have in store for each of us, I pray everyday we would take the words to this song literally. Let us rejoice because God has so richly blessed us with a new day!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sisters in Christ

I am so thankful for the godly women God has placed in my life. I have the privilege of spending every other Tuesday with women who truly love our Savior. Last summer we did a Bible study together called For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn . I recommend this study for women who want to understand more about the men in their life. This summer we are working through Kelly Minter's study on Ruth . I have enjoyed digging into the Scripture and finding the amazing truths God has for His daughters.

Thank you, dear friends for walking this road with me and encouraging to learn more about our Lord.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Back from Summer Break!

Okay, well after a much needed summer break, I am back and ready to share some more God moments with you all. But seriously, I guess the "break" from posting has a different reason. This blog thing was really exciting when I started but then burn out set in. I have come up with plenty of excuses over the last month or so why I should just give up blogging but I don't think that is what God wants me to do. One of the reasons I think it has been so hard for me to get back to blogging is because my time with God was getting cut short. I don't feel like I have been meeting with Him like I should and without this time I can't hear what He wants to say to me. So no more excuses. I am ready to listen. Please speak to me, Lord!